In Recognition of National Health Education Week WEST KENTUCKY COMMUNITY AND TECHNICAL COLLEGE e d says TeaYou! HEALTHCARE EDUCATION-TO-WORK ENDOWMENT FOUNDING DONORS Baptist Health Paducah Mercy Health Lourdes Hospital Ms. Kathy Sides, Retired Nurse AREA HEALTH EDUCATION PARTNERS West Kentucky Community and Technical Colege could not provide the excelence it offers in ollied health and nursing education without support from our many clinical sites, including the folowing: Hene Heine&Bowes Ora& Peopest-Seeceared Phyical Medcine Services inc Prysical thenapy Associates icke Care & Rehobitation Center Aas Physical Therapy in Poducoh BopfsHealth Madsonvle Maxilafacial Surpery Henry County Medcal Cente Heage Heathcore Inc Hetoge Monor Concordia Healthcae Center Hermitoge Coe& Rehobioton Cener HighPoint Heath SystemSumner Regiona Medica Center Hr Pharmaceuica Boptst Heath Faducah Bopeathcae System tne. Bopts Heathcare System inc Boptat Hopto 5ast ouvie Bapt Hospto fot Home Heah Agency at Paducoh Bopte edical Group Marte Primary Core Medicol Center Progresive Sports 7heropy ProRehob Bowrg Green Proehob Pyical Theropyouvile Profetob Inc Evansvite Pechae Dsict Health Deparimend Puechaie trdodontics Rice Orthodontics Soint Francs Medicol Center Boptst MemorialHoptal Union City Benhon Phormocy Holand Dental Core wAC Regeneroson Center J&R Phomocy Jackson Purchae Medical Center Jackson-Madoon County General Houpita Sennie Shuart Medical Center Joyner Therapy Services ndred Renobitation Services Bionetics in Calvet City G Sgical Asociates of Marin oodway Dendal C Coldwel Medicol Center Cardna ehootorion Hopito Centepoint Recovery Center Cogan Omedones Colgan fediatrics Commonweath Heath Corporation Sensory Soluions Sdeline Pysical herapy and Fness Center Sgnature Heath Core Smiand Drug Southeaut Hospitol Koso Childrens Motemal Fenal Medicine oge Pedaic Denty Lfe Care Centers of Armerica, inc . vington Hospial&Heah Care Service PBydtownuc SouthemKentucky Rehoblitation Hospta Sr Physico Theraoy Star Phyical heropy LP Sunvie Manor Nusing Home Sperior Core Home-Nuning ond Rehobitaton mon Dug Syney Physical eopy .Samson Community Hopiol Regional Heath aylor Regional Hooptal Community Medcal Assocates Inc Contemporay CB/GNo Westen Kentcey ContnueCARE Hopas Core Physical heropy in Poducon Ctenden Commnity Hophol Cumbeand Surgical Cv Phamacy-al locations Davs Dg DrDavid Costy D James well Dbery H Cove City C wndbegMedica imoging Lyon Drug Store Maha Couthy Hospto Masac Memorial Hospita McCracken County Schoos edcare Inc (Angton Phomacy Medical Arts Phommocy Mecy Health Portners Lourdes Hospto Mency Heath Portners Ambulanory SurgeryCenter Luc Methodist Hospita-Hendenon Metodt Hoptal-Union County etopols Orug Ms Heoth ond Rehobtgton Center Mstone Counoeing Cente LC Miner Ormedontcs eninova Healthcore Caksvile he Eye Sugery Cender of Paducon Theropy Stoffrg 3oecialsts of Jennie on Medical Cerer Dyenburg Regional Medical Center Eater Seas West Kenucky inc t Fess Connection, nc ncorel Rehobiation Devoon Dentsty foldl Lie Care PLC rav&Bummer Pediafic Dentstry igg County Hoptal Ferguson Medical Group Fenel Hoipiha Famly Derity tor Geenview Regional Hospial wo Rvers Sungiool Associates PLLC Univenityf Kenucky Dentary We DDanlel Manh four Rivers Behavioral Heah freeman Dentel Moou Deto Medical Center Muay Caloway County Hospital ron Communty Medicol Anocigtes fresenus Medical Care uer Physicatheropy Genn's Apothecory Phomaceuica Genn's Prescriprion Cente Coeen Acres Hegthcgre, Inc Volunheer Community Hopa wolgreens Corporahe Office wes kentucky Special Educational Cooe west Kentucky Surgical inc West TennHeathcore Fem Norton Heathcone Physicion Services NORTONMatemal Fetal Medicine Soecioh Ooview ursing& Rehoblitation Cente Oral& Maoocial Sungloal Dr.choel Bobo Green Acres ShN Rehab Company Greene Physical Theropy Geenvew Hopol Inc Hordin County Genergt Hosptal Hardin Memorio Hopito HeaCARE of Bowing Oreen Healthcore theropy Soluton HeathsoCone Creek Eehabitafon Hopita Heartiand Renoblitation Services T west Tern Heatheore volunteer Houpital Wet Tennessee Heathcore ww fowne Phamacy Westen State Hopital Woodvora Dentol Core Ontnopoedic te of Westen KY Owensboro Mediool Heath System Poducah Dental Core Poducah Medico Oncelogy & Hematolegy Poducah Women's Clnic Pennyle Deniry West Kentucky Community & Technical College 270-554-9200 WKCTC wCToprod membor ote Keucky Community ond ectnic Coepe Tythem CTu eiconal and enpoyme occonunty In Recognition of National Health Education Week WEST KENTUCKY COMMUNITY AND TECHNICAL COLLEGE e d says TeaYou! HEALTHCARE EDUCATION-TO-WORK ENDOWMENT FOUNDING DONORS Baptist Health Paducah Mercy Health Lourdes Hospital Ms. Kathy Sides, Retired Nurse AREA HEALTH EDUCATION PARTNERS West Kentucky Community and Technical Colege could not provide the excelence it offers in ollied health and nursing education without support from our many clinical sites, including the folowing: Hene Heine&Bowes Ora& Peopest-Seeceared Phyical Medcine Services inc Prysical thenapy Associates icke Care & Rehobitation Center Aas Physical Therapy in Poducoh BopfsHealth Madsonvle Maxilafacial Surpery Henry County Medcal Cente Heage Heathcore Inc Hetoge Monor Concordia Healthcae Center Hermitoge Coe& Rehobioton Cener HighPoint Heath SystemSumner Regiona Medica Center Hr Pharmaceuica Boptst Heath Faducah Bopeathcae System tne. Bopts Heathcare System inc Boptat Hopto 5ast ouvie Bapt Hospto fot Home Heah Agency at Paducoh Bopte edical Group Marte Primary Core Medicol Center Progresive Sports 7heropy ProRehob Bowrg Green Proehob Pyical Theropyouvile Profetob Inc Evansvite Pechae Dsict Health Deparimend Puechaie trdodontics Rice Orthodontics Soint Francs Medicol Center Boptst MemorialHoptal Union City Benhon Phormocy Holand Dental Core wAC Regeneroson Center J&R Phomocy Jackson Purchae Medical Center Jackson-Madoon County General Houpita Sennie Shuart Medical Center Joyner Therapy Services ndred Renobitation Services Bionetics in Calvet City G Sgical Asociates of Marin oodway Dendal C Coldwel Medicol Center Cardna ehootorion Hopito Centepoint Recovery Center Cogan Omedones Colgan fediatrics Commonweath Heath Corporation Sensory Soluions Sdeline Pysical herapy and Fness Center Sgnature Heath Core Smiand Drug Southeaut Hospitol Koso Childrens Motemal Fenal Medicine oge Pedaic Denty Lfe Care Centers of Armerica, inc . vington Hospial&Heah Care Service PBydtownuc SouthemKentucky Rehoblitation Hospta Sr Physico Theraoy Star Phyical heropy LP Sunvie Manor Nusing Home Sperior Core Home-Nuning ond Rehobitaton mon Dug Syney Physical eopy .Samson Community Hopiol Regional Heath aylor Regional Hooptal Community Medcal Assocates Inc Contemporay CB/GNo Westen Kentcey ContnueCARE Hopas Core Physical heropy in Poducon Ctenden Commnity Hophol Cumbeand Surgical Cv Phamacy-al locations Davs Dg DrDavid Costy D James well Dbery H Cove City C wndbegMedica imoging Lyon Drug Store Maha Couthy Hospto Masac Memorial Hospita McCracken County Schoos edcare Inc (Angton Phomacy Medical Arts Phommocy Mecy Health Portners Lourdes Hospto Mency Heath Portners Ambulanory SurgeryCenter Luc Methodist Hospita-Hendenon Metodt Hoptal-Union County etopols Orug Ms Heoth ond Rehobtgton Center Mstone Counoeing Cente LC Miner Ormedontcs eninova Healthcore Caksvile he Eye Sugery Cender of Paducon Theropy Stoffrg 3oecialsts of Jennie on Medical Cerer Dyenburg Regional Medical Center Eater Seas West Kenucky inc t Fess Connection, nc ncorel Rehobiation Devoon Dentsty foldl Lie Care PLC rav&Bummer Pediafic Dentstry igg County Hoptal Ferguson Medical Group Fenel Hoipiha Famly Derity tor Geenview Regional Hospial wo Rvers Sungiool Associates PLLC Univenityf Kenucky Dentary We DDanlel Manh four Rivers Behavioral Heah freeman Dentel Moou Deto Medical Center Muay Caloway County Hospital ron Communty Medicol Anocigtes fresenus Medical Care uer Physicatheropy Genn's Apothecory Phomaceuica Genn's Prescriprion Cente Coeen Acres Hegthcgre, Inc Volunheer Community Hopa wolgreens Corporahe Office wes kentucky Special Educational Cooe west Kentucky Surgical inc West TennHeathcore Fem Norton Heathcone Physicion Services NORTONMatemal Fetal Medicine Soecioh Ooview ursing& Rehoblitation Cente Oral& Maoocial Sungloal Dr.choel Bobo Green Acres ShN Rehab Company Greene Physical Theropy Geenvew Hopol Inc Hordin County Genergt Hosptal Hardin Memorio Hopito HeaCARE of Bowing Oreen Healthcore theropy Soluton HeathsoCone Creek Eehabitafon Hopita Heartiand Renoblitation Services T west Tern Heatheore volunteer Houpital Wet Tennessee Heathcore ww fowne Phamacy Westen State Hopital Woodvora Dentol Core Ontnopoedic te of Westen KY Owensboro Mediool Heath System Poducah Dental Core Poducah Medico Oncelogy & Hematolegy Poducah Women's Clnic Pennyle Deniry West Kentucky Community & Technical College 270-554-9200 WKCTC wCToprod membor ote Keucky Community ond ectnic Coepe Tythem CTu eiconal and enpoyme occonunty