WEST KENTUCKÝ COMMUNITY & TECHNICAL COLLEGE ELEBING TEN TES OF PADU SCHOOL OF ART AND DESIGN Saturday PSADFebruary 23,2019 BLOCK BASH Paducah School of Art & Design 2D & Graphic Design Building 10TH YEAR CELEBRATION Free and open to the public, the PSAD Block Bash will include creative hands-on activities in metalsmithing, ceramics, laser cutting, mold making and plaster casting in the Ceramics and Sculpture Buildings at 919 Madison Street, and vinyl cutting, photoshopped self-portraits, animation demos, and collaborative mural and large- scale weaving projects in the 2D and Graphic Design Building at 905 Harrison Street. WKCTC PADUCAH SCHOOL OF ART & WCGmer ofthe Kentudy Coimimurity and Techinca Collee Sstem (KcS) GS an eQUoymen opportunty institution