ABSOLUTE AUCTION SATURDAY, OCT. 26TH, AT 10:00 A.M. LOCATION: 8516 ST. RT. 339W, Wingo, KY Selling ABSOLUTE the Equipment, Tools, Antiques, Collectibles,& Furniture of Mr.& Mrs. Joe Lynn Hargan. The Hargan's are moving to town & selling their surplus personal property. NO BUYER'S PREMIUM!!! BACKHOE, TRACTOR, EQUIP., TRUCKS, CAR, TOOLS,ANTIQUES&COLLECTIBLES FOR COMPLETE LISTING AND 100's of PICTURES VISIT www.bunchbrothersauctioneers.com or www.auctionzip.com, AuctionlD# 10111 Terms on Personal Property: Cash or Check day of sale. No Debit or Credit Cards. NO BUYER'S PREMIUM!! STEVEN J.BUNCH, Auctioneer B P. O. Box 175 BUNCH BROTHERS Wingo, KY 42088 AUCTIONEERS, & REALTY "Better Auctions are Steven J. Bunch Auctions" TN LIC. 2094 Joe Bunch-Auctioneer, Lisa Wilson, RE Broker Email: LDBunch@aol.com Website: bunchbrothersauctioneers.com Fax: (270) 376-2997 Phone:(270) 376-2922 Cell: (270) 748-8080 ABSOLUTE AUCTION SATURDAY, OCT. 26TH, AT 10:00 A.M. LOCATION: 8516 ST. RT. 339W, Wingo, KY Selling ABSOLUTE the Equipment, Tools, Antiques, Collectibles,& Furniture of Mr.& Mrs. Joe Lynn Hargan. The Hargan's are moving to town & selling their surplus personal property. NO BUYER'S PREMIUM!!! BACKHOE, TRACTOR, EQUIP., TRUCKS, CAR, TOOLS,ANTIQUES&COLLECTIBLES FOR COMPLETE LISTING AND 100's of PICTURES VISIT www.bunchbrothersauctioneers.com or www.auctionzip.com, AuctionlD# 10111 Terms on Personal Property: Cash or Check day of sale. No Debit or Credit Cards. NO BUYER'S PREMIUM!! STEVEN J.BUNCH, Auctioneer B P. O. Box 175 BUNCH BROTHERS Wingo, KY 42088 AUCTIONEERS, & REALTY "Better Auctions are Steven J. Bunch Auctions" TN LIC. 2094 Joe Bunch-Auctioneer, Lisa Wilson, RE Broker Email: LDBunch@aol.com Website: bunchbrothersauctioneers.com Fax: (270) 376-2997 Phone:(270) 376-2922 Cell: (270) 748-8080