The Paducah Sun READERS' HOICE 2020 Thank You WINNER to all that have supported us the past 35 years! We have the best customers and we are so blessed to serve them and this community! It has truly been a pleasure and we look forward to many years to come! We have a great group of employees. We are so thankful for their hard work and dedication to being the best! WARREN HEATING & AIR BEST HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING 270.554.7171 Rean PRO PARTNER. The Paducah Sun READERS' HOICE 2020 Thank You WINNER to all that have supported us the past 35 years! We have the best customers and we are so blessed to serve them and this community! It has truly been a pleasure and we look forward to many years to come! We have a great group of employees. We are so thankful for their hard work and dedication to being the best! WARREN HEATING & AIR BEST HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING 270.554.7171 Rean PRO PARTNER.