Thank vou to our United Way United Way of County 2018-19 supporters of thea Annual Small Business Blitz! Gold Sponsors Criswel Commercial Dleaning A&SG (270) 816-2535 Website: https:/ Doug McClure FILM AND SOUND MAKERS KENTCAT FARM BURERI INSURANCE me PIZZA BAKERSMA R K E T -TOI | | Pizza Inn is all REAL ESTATE AUCTION CO ) s 46212011-800-307-SOLD 20443 8471 about helping the210 541-30. 270.443.847 community and the United Way. Mar Plang Pizza Inn MULTIPLE POLICIES ONE AGENT ALWAYS HELPNsn ane September 8-7, 2019 Atlstale 95 2555 Silver Sponsors BFW Bon RnME WOEMEN KKALLEO ENGINEERING, LLC Bronze Sponsors Barre Co. Paducah Beautiful You Salon-Mary Tynes. Dry Ground Brewing Company Italian Village Pizza. Leeper Chiropractic Center Marcum Tennyson