Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there: TM State Farm For All Your Life Insurance Needs! "If all wives knew what all widows know, no home would be without adequate life insurance." Susan Waldon-Denton, Agent 831 Jefferson Paducah, KY 270-443-8281 Mason Tot Denton, Agent 202 Lone Oak Rd. #100 Paducah, KY 270-908-4220 Like a good neighbor , State Farm is there : TM State Farm For All Your Life Insurance Needs ! " If all wives knew what all widows know , no home would be without adequate life insurance . " Susan Waldon - Denton , Agent 831 Jefferson Paducah , KY 270-443-8281 Mason Tot Denton , Agent 202 Lone Oak Rd . # 100 Paducah , KY 270-908-4220