Article By Laxmalah Manchikanti, MD and Mahendra Sanapati, MD How Do You Choose An Interventional Pain Management Physician? n medicine there are many specialties such as primary care physician, cardiologist. orthopedic surgeon and many others. In- terventional pain specialists are educated and trained to treat chronic, persistent pain You should look for an Interventional pain physician who has special qualifications, such as fellowship training or board certification in pain medicine. A relationship with a pain physician is long-lasting.or even life-long. You should check to see if the physician can make independent decisions without physician uses many tools to diagnose the exact cause of your pain. One of the most important tools is you, the Education patient. It is important Training Other that you describe not only where the pain is but also what kind of influence from others. Also make sure when a physician leaves town or your insurance changes, you will still be covered Chronic pain is very complex. it is difficult to diagnose and treat. An interventional pain pain it is, how it started. and what effect it has on your life. This gives your interventional pain physician the clues needed to make an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. Remember A doctor who cannot take a good history and a patient who cannot give one are in danger of giving and receiving bad treatment Read more articles with answers to your pain questions at Our providers help make life easier to live Dr. Manchikanti Dr. Love Dr. Malla Dr. Kavita PAIN Excellence in INTERVENTIONAL PAIN MANAGEMENT FOUNDERS OF THE PAIN MANAGEMENT CENTERS OF AMERICA PAIN MANAGEMENT CENTERS OF AMERICA 000 Article By Laxmalah Manchikanti , MD and Mahendra Sanapati , MD How Do You Choose An Interventional Pain Management Physician ? n medicine there are many specialties such as primary care physician , cardiologist . orthopedic surgeon and many others . In- terventional pain specialists are educated and trained to treat chronic , persistent pain You should look for an Interventional pain physician who has special qualifications , such as fellowship training or board certification in pain medicine . A relationship with a pain physician is long - lasting.or even life - long . You should check to see if the physician can make independent decisions without physician uses many tools to diagnose the exact cause of your pain . One of the most important tools is you , the Education patient . It is important Training Other that you describe not only where the pain is but also what kind of influence from others . Also make sure when a physician leaves town or your insurance changes , you will still be covered Chronic pain is very complex . it is difficult to diagnose and treat . An interventional pain pain it is , how it started . and what effect it has on your life . This gives your interventional pain physician the clues needed to make an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan . Remember A doctor who cannot take a good history and a patient who cannot give one are in danger of giving and receiving bad treatment Read more articles with answers to your pain questions at Our providers help make life easier to live Dr. Manchikanti Dr. Love Dr. Malla Dr. Kavita PAIN Excellence in INTERVENTIONAL PAIN MANAGEMENT FOUNDERS OF THE PAIN MANAGEMENT CENTERS OF AMERICA PAIN MANAGEMENT CENTERS OF AMERICA 000