PEACHES & NECTARINES From the Dale Bremer Orchard of Metropolis OCATION. NOW ACCEPTING SPECIAL ORDERS FOR PICK UP AT SELECTED LOC CALL 618-524-5783 SELLING AT: . Paducah, KY-SURPLUS SALES parking lot Hinkleville Road (US 60) across from Paducah Ford Mon-Sat 10:30 AM til 6 PM Poducah Farmers Market ot the riverfront: Sat. morning 7 AM 1 2 PM. Murray, KY-Murnay Farmer's Market on Courthouse Square: Saturdays only 7 AM hil Noon. METROPOLIS, IL ORCHARD SALES SITE: Selling 7 days a week - daylight (6 AM) tl the cows come home (7 PM) Orchard located 10 miles from Kentucky Oaks Mall. Take 124 to Metropolis Exit- turn right (E) on US 45 for mile then left (N) on IL 145 for 6 miles. Look for the PEACH signs along highway. Turn right (E) on Rosebud Rd. Follow arrows to orchard. Our 2019 peach harvest began June 12. Current peach varieties are .PED HAVEN-1eason almost complete EARLY LORING-now ripe discovered opproximately 1977 in LORING-funing color to ripen soon ERNIES CHOICE-beoutful and tosty SUN GLO NECTARNE-mid to late July CRESTHAVEN-Aug 1 thru Aug 10-o very nice commercial Poducah KY ot the Fred Beyer the time located on Olivet Church Rd, as a limb mutation on variety Loring tree. DALECIOUS-Oolmost ripe (imited supply due to freese) discovered as a limb mulation on an Early Loring tree. Discovered by Dale himsef in 1990 GLOHAVEN-nowu ripe a very large beautful peoch peach FANTASIA NECTARINE-mid to late August ENCORE-Our fne variety A hord freece (25 F) in April, as orchand was in ull bloom, destroyed holf of our crop, therefore some varieties will be limited in supply included in the imted supply ae the folowing ELBERTA RED SKIN SWEET SUE FINALE RED GOLD NECTARINE OVATION NECTARINE Excessive rainlal hos made it dificult to spray and protect the fruit from insect and tungi so expect some skin domoge this season. Now we are hurricane Bary to contend with! e have cther problems os well Scientfic theory has t we have climate change.I concuc it makes it dficult to successfuly raise peoches. n the 1950sinois reintroduced white tol deer They destroy young orchards and expensive fencing in necessary,as the deer have no- compettors Japanese beetes have entered our ogricuture. Expensive and almost impossible to control they are cousing mojor damage to the fruit ih oddition to the beetle problem due to human health concems efective peticides in the midwest hove bean taken off the market, RSWe started roising nectarines in 1987 with frst production in 1990,I hod never fasted a nectarine in my lite tl I pickedarpe one off o a Bremer free. Nowican brog a lete you don know obout nectarine fovor and quality-when you get to heaven and stand belorer those pearly gates don't tell St.Peter that you hove never eaten nectarines from the Bremer Orchord truly the finest fruit of God's creation Our History: Past, Present- Future- Dale's parents (Noah and Comie) purchased the famly form in 1935 tor $10 an ocre. Using hoses my Dod tomed and rebuilta'wore out fom in the 10year depression They roised and educated their 4 children yes we al went to a one-room school Dale set the frst peoch trees in 1977.t was one ooe with Dod cultivating the young trees with a bomowed horse and a double shover plow.Today the orchard comprises 75 oces with 7.500 ees obout 15% ane nectarine trees As Jane ondlenter out golden years (almost 80 years) we also hove health and normal oging issues we know that it o necessary for anolther fomly or generotion to continue the todion of roising and selling the best fruit in the wodld We take pride in providing a unique troo-rpened tobie reody ruit for our customers But e is not a one-way sheet You our customers both post and future must purchase, eat and appreciate his wonderlul thuit that 35 yeors of hord work and experence hos achieved. Our success must have your continued loyaty and support sou that your children and grandchildren con enjoy eating fredh peoches and nectarines an do youl We all now what hoppens when customers support wanes (SEARS os an exomple) Now for the rest of the story The oechard is not financialy successlul ofter years of non-prottability 2018 with a devostating freere let us withs 10% sales and on uninsured crop of $220000 my wde and I are basicaly broke.and thene is no available labor for us and a peoch orchard is very lobor intensive and now inois hoas secently possed legislction sequiring employees to pay $15/hour While these are gocd intentions they one devastating to smol businesses We knoe how smart and computer sovvy the younger generation is but they ae not going to worls in an orchard or in a repeive monutocturing jobs-so robot utimately toke ther jobs Family eating styles hove changed Grandma bought peaches by the bushels. Now customers af tarmers markets buy peoches in strawbery 1galon box or 6-7 at a ime as not to waste them With Dole's decision to plant felds for fomono's hoped for market ogainst Jane's wishes, this has ploced sthoin on a atready bod finoncial dilemma Yes we do hove some nice peoches in 2019.Thenewill be a series of ods in The Poducah Sun for the noxd Sweeks to inform you of our peach availabilty Hoppy Eoting Dale and Jane Bremer Dale and Jane Bremer Oechard of Metropolis 618-529-5783 We hope that you will visit our website. It is very informative and socially connected. Dale Bremer Orchard Metropolis, IL 1-618-524-5783 PEACHES & NECTARINES From the Dale Bremer Orchard of Metropolis OCATION. NOW ACCEPTING SPECIAL ORDERS FOR PICK UP AT SELECTED LOC CALL 618-524-5783 SELLING AT: . Paducah, KY-SURPLUS SALES parking lot Hinkleville Road (US 60) across from Paducah Ford Mon-Sat 10:30 AM til 6 PM Poducah Farmers Market ot the riverfront: Sat. morning 7 AM 1 2 PM. Murray, KY-Murnay Farmer's Market on Courthouse Square: Saturdays only 7 AM hil Noon. METROPOLIS, IL ORCHARD SALES SITE: Selling 7 days a week - daylight (6 AM) tl the cows come home (7 PM) Orchard located 10 miles from Kentucky Oaks Mall. Take 124 to Metropolis Exit- turn right (E) on US 45 for mile then left (N) on IL 145 for 6 miles. Look for the PEACH signs along highway. Turn right (E) on Rosebud Rd. Follow arrows to orchard. Our 2019 peach harvest began June 12. Current peach varieties are .PED HAVEN-1eason almost complete EARLY LORING-now ripe discovered opproximately 1977 in LORING-funing color to ripen soon ERNIES CHOICE-beoutful and tosty SUN GLO NECTARNE-mid to late July CRESTHAVEN-Aug 1 thru Aug 10-o very nice commercial Poducah KY ot the Fred Beyer the time located on Olivet Church Rd, as a limb mutation on variety Loring tree. DALECIOUS-Oolmost ripe (imited supply due to freese) discovered as a limb mulation on an Early Loring tree. Discovered by Dale himsef in 1990 GLOHAVEN-nowu ripe a very large beautful peoch peach FANTASIA NECTARINE-mid to late August ENCORE-Our fne variety A hord freece (25 F) in April, as orchand was in ull bloom, destroyed holf of our crop, therefore some varieties will be limited in supply included in the imted supply ae the folowing ELBERTA RED SKIN SWEET SUE FINALE RED GOLD NECTARINE OVATION NECTARINE Excessive rainlal hos made it dificult to spray and protect the fruit from insect and tungi so expect some skin domoge this season. Now we are hurricane Bary to contend with! e have cther problems os well Scientfic theory has t we have climate change.I concuc it makes it dficult to successfuly raise peoches. n the 1950sinois reintroduced white tol deer They destroy young orchards and expensive fencing in necessary,as the deer have no- compettors Japanese beetes have entered our ogricuture. Expensive and almost impossible to control they are cousing mojor damage to the fruit ih oddition to the beetle problem due to human health concems efective peticides in the midwest hove bean taken off the market, RSWe started roising nectarines in 1987 with frst production in 1990,I hod never fasted a nectarine in my lite tl I pickedarpe one off o a Bremer free. Nowican brog a lete you don know obout nectarine fovor and quality-when you get to heaven and stand belorer those pearly gates don't tell St.Peter that you hove never eaten nectarines from the Bremer Orchord truly the finest fruit of God's creation Our History: Past, Present- Future- Dale's parents (Noah and Comie) purchased the famly form in 1935 tor $10 an ocre. Using hoses my Dod tomed and rebuilta'wore out fom in the 10year depression They roised and educated their 4 children yes we al went to a one-room school Dale set the frst peoch trees in 1977.t was one ooe with Dod cultivating the young trees with a bomowed horse and a double shover plow.Today the orchard comprises 75 oces with 7.500 ees obout 15% ane nectarine trees As Jane ondlenter out golden years (almost 80 years) we also hove health and normal oging issues we know that it o necessary for anolther fomly or generotion to continue the todion of roising and selling the best fruit in the wodld We take pride in providing a unique troo-rpened tobie reody ruit for our customers But e is not a one-way sheet You our customers both post and future must purchase, eat and appreciate his wonderlul thuit that 35 yeors of hord work and experence hos achieved. Our success must have your continued loyaty and support sou that your children and grandchildren con enjoy eating fredh peoches and nectarines an do youl We all now what hoppens when customers support wanes (SEARS os an exomple) Now for the rest of the story The oechard is not financialy successlul ofter years of non-prottability 2018 with a devostating freere let us withs 10% sales and on uninsured crop of $220000 my wde and I are basicaly broke.and thene is no available labor for us and a peoch orchard is very lobor intensive and now inois hoas secently possed legislction sequiring employees to pay $15/hour While these are gocd intentions they one devastating to smol businesses We knoe how smart and computer sovvy the younger generation is but they ae not going to worls in an orchard or in a repeive monutocturing jobs-so robot utimately toke ther jobs Family eating styles hove changed Grandma bought peaches by the bushels. Now customers af tarmers markets buy peoches in strawbery 1galon box or 6-7 at a ime as not to waste them With Dole's decision to plant felds for fomono's hoped for market ogainst Jane's wishes, this has ploced sthoin on a atready bod finoncial dilemma Yes we do hove some nice peoches in 2019.Thenewill be a series of ods in The Poducah Sun for the noxd Sweeks to inform you of our peach availabilty Hoppy Eoting Dale and Jane Bremer Dale and Jane Bremer Oechard of Metropolis 618-529-5783 We hope that you will visit our website. It is very informative and socially connected. Dale Bremer Orchard Metropolis, IL 1-618-524-5783