Healthy living with Diabetes Kentucky Department for Public lealth WEDNESDAY, Tw- Pergon Clazer are back! AUG. 11th, 18th, 25th & SEPT. 1st. 1:00-3:00 P.M. McCracken Co. Public Library Small Meeting Room Space limited to 10 Call by Aug. 3rd Registration is limited. Register by Aug. 10th. 270-444-9625 Ext. 107 Learn from the Comfort of Home with our On-Line Classes Starting Aug. 10th Our free, nationally accredited and recognized diabetes education* workshops are now available online. You can join us from your own home using a phone, tablet or computer. Get the latest information on taking care of your diabetes. Develop a healthy eating and activity plan that works for you. Also, get tips on taking medication and reducing your risks for short and long-term complications. Register today! Call to sign up! 270-522-8121 Ext. 212 or 270-444-9625 Ext. 107 DEAP Purchase District Health Department Kentucky Publie Health PDHD Healthy living with Diabetes Kentucky Department for Public lealth WEDNESDAY, Tw- Pergon Clazer are back! AUG. 11th, 18th, 25th & SEPT. 1st. 1:00-3:00 P.M. McCracken Co. Public Library Small Meeting Room Space limited to 10 Call by Aug. 3rd Registration is limited. Register by Aug. 10th. 270-444-9625 Ext. 107 Learn from the Comfort of Home with our On-Line Classes Starting Aug. 10th Our free, nationally accredited and recognized diabetes education* workshops are now available online. You can join us from your own home using a phone, tablet or computer. Get the latest information on taking care of your diabetes. Develop a healthy eating and activity plan that works for you. Also, get tips on taking medication and reducing your risks for short and long-term complications. Register today! Call to sign up! 270-522-8121 Ext. 212 or 270-444-9625 Ext. 107 DEAP Purchase District Health Department Kentucky Publie Health PDHD