Connection ignited Enjoy a glass of wine logether, rent a boat with your extended family, have your long-awaited ladies' weekend or join your friends for dinner and music under the stars. As the lake's only full-service marina resort, you'll experience friendly staff, live music, beautifully maintained facilities, the fake's nicest marina and dock system. Eddy Creek Marina Resort, on Lake Barkley n Edoyville, KY, can help you reignite connection again f FFP2 Eddy Creek Marina Resort 1-800-626-2300 7612 KY 93 South Eddyville, KY 42038 Connection ignited Enjoy a glass of wine logether , rent a boat with your extended family , have your long - awaited ladies ' weekend or join your friends for dinner and music under the stars . As the lake's only full - service marina resort , you'll experience friendly staff , live music , beautifully maintained facilities , the fake's nicest marina and dock system . Eddy Creek Marina Resort , on Lake Barkley n Edoyville , KY , can help you reignite connection again f FFP2 Eddy Creek Marina Resort 1-800-626-2300 7612 KY 93 South Eddyville , KY 42038