A Simple Conversation Can Make All The Difference If you hold a U.S. Department of Labor white medical benefits card, make sure you are taking advantage of all the benefits you have earned. All it takes is a phone call with one of our friendly EEOICPA-enrolled physicians. This evaluation could qualify you for up to $250,000 in additional monetary compensation Most impairment evaluations don't include an in-depth conversation with a doctor. With PCM Impairments, you speak directly with a doctor from the comfort of your own home. The benefit? You get a personalized experience which results in the most thorough and accurate impairment evaluation you can receive. And that can mean more compensation for you! 2 CALL TODAY TO FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN TALK WITH AN IMPAIRMENT PHYSICIAN! PCM Impairment Physicians: Dr. Lakatosh, Dr. Soo Hoo, and Dr. Walton. PM IMPAIRMENTS Call Today! 270.572.4433 PCMimpairments.com A Simple Conversation Can Make All The Difference If you hold a U.S. Department of Labor white medical benefits card, make sure you are taking advantage of all the benefits you have earned. All it takes is a phone call with one of our friendly EEOICPA-enrolled physicians. This evaluation could qualify you for up to $250,000 in additional monetary compensation Most impairment evaluations don't include an in-depth conversation with a doctor. With PCM Impairments, you speak directly with a doctor from the comfort of your own home. The benefit? You get a personalized experience which results in the most thorough and accurate impairment evaluation you can receive. And that can mean more compensation for you! 2 CALL TODAY TO FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN TALK WITH AN IMPAIRMENT PHYSICIAN! PCM Impairment Physicians: Dr. Lakatosh, Dr. Soo Hoo, and Dr. Walton. PM IMPAIRMENTS Call Today! 270.572.4433 PCMimpairments.com