TRIGGY COUNTY HOSPITAL in Cadiz, KYwelcomes Rockne Brubaker, MD EAR, NOSE, THROAT Specialist Extensive Pediatric ENT experience Over 30 years medical practice experience Former teaching professor of ENT Surgery at Loyola Medical Center .Great with kids and adults! SERVICES OFFERED . Ear Surgery& Ear Tubes Sinus Surgery .Head and Neck Tumors Head and Neck Sterile Procedures Adenoidectomy Nasal Septum Procedure Nasal Ainway Improvement Voice and Swallowing Problems To schedule an appointment, call 270-206-3645 254 Main Street Cadiz, KY 42211 270-522-3215 TRIGGY COUNTY HOSPITAL in Cadiz, KYwelcomes Rockne Brubaker, MD EAR, NOSE, THROAT Specialist Extensive Pediatric ENT experience Over 30 years medical practice experience Former teaching professor of ENT Surgery at Loyola Medical Center .Great with kids and adults! SERVICES OFFERED . Ear Surgery& Ear Tubes Sinus Surgery .Head and Neck Tumors Head and Neck Sterile Procedures Adenoidectomy Nasal Septum Procedure Nasal Ainway Improvement Voice and Swallowing Problems To schedule an appointment, call 270-206-3645 254 Main Street Cadiz, KY 42211 270-522-3215