Not Your Grandfather's Hearing Aids! INVISIBLE We get t. You may be having trouble hearing what people are aying or are starting to mss out on the sounds you onee heard, but you're not sure you're ready to wear a hearing aid yet. Especially ones that people can see. We are proud to ntroduce our new iwisble earing instruments for people who believe hearing aids should be heard and not seent Ftting snugly and inconspiauously in the ear canal with no extermal components, you's forget they are there RECHARGEABLE Improve your hearing without having to bother with all those tiny batteries, Rechargeable hearing instruments mean no more embarrassing dead battery surprises. After six hours ofchargng·the charger's indicator lights tel you your hearing aids are ready to go for your busy day. Our ne charger dies and refreshes yor rstruments overnet for maximum perflormance every day SMART PHONE READY Erjoy direct streaming of phone cails, music, and TV Stream your favorite music straight into your ears, diecreetly adjust the volume to suit your wishes while watching TV or hear the tastest route to the most famous sights from yor navigation app- all you need is a smartphone, Our smartphone ready hearing alds offer you supreme connectivity for audio streaming from various sources as well as remobe control of settings and volume- all at your ingertips. FINANCING AVAILABLE DAY TRIAL Other flexible O payment options-including personal check, major credit cands, and convenient payment plans. Family owned since 1953 Maion Harriburg CENTERS FOR BETTER HEARING www.better 618-3O9-7164 ." Solutions for all your hearing needs. No two people's hearing needs or preferences for treatment are the same Fortunately, the days of only having large, clumsy-looking, b aids to choose from are over. Today's models are tiny, hightech marvels so surprisingly stylish that in's perfectly okay someone catches a gimpse beige bearing Modem hearing aids feature useful options to su almost every hearing loss and fit into any ifestyle Whether you're looking for a sporty solution that can stand up to the your understanding of conversation in noise, you're sure t fit your preferonces elements or a discreet way to to find hearing aids that Brookport, IL Marion, IL Harrisburg, IL At the foot of the Court St besioe DoWar General Commercial St across from Pondevosa Not Your Grandfather's Hearing Aids! INVISIBLE We get t. You may be having trouble hearing what people are aying or are starting to mss out on the sounds you onee heard, but you're not sure you're ready to wear a hearing aid yet. Especially ones that people can see. We are proud to ntroduce our new iwisble earing instruments for people who believe hearing aids should be heard and not seent Ftting snugly and inconspiauously in the ear canal with no extermal components, you's forget they are there RECHARGEABLE Improve your hearing without having to bother with all those tiny batteries, Rechargeable hearing instruments mean no more embarrassing dead battery surprises. After six hours ofchargng · the charger 's indicator lights tel you your hearing aids are ready to go for your busy day. Our ne charger dies and refreshes yor rstruments overnet for maximum perflormance every day SMART PHONE READY Erjoy direct streaming of phone cails, music, and TV Stream your favorite music straight into your ears, diecreetly adjust the volume to suit your wishes while watching TV or hear the tastest route to the most famous sights from yor navigation app- all you need is a smartphone, Our smartphone ready hearing alds offer you supreme connectivity for audio streaming from various sources as well as remobe control of settings and volume- all at your ingertips. FINANCING AVAILABLE DAY TRIAL Other flexible O payment options-including personal check, major credit cands, and convenient payment plans. Family owned since 1953 Maion Harriburg CENTERS FOR BETTER HEARING www.better 618-3O9-7164 . " Solutions for all your hearing needs. No two people's hearing needs or preferences for treatment are the same Fortunately, the days of only having large, clumsy-looking, b aids to choose from are over. Today's models are tiny, hightech marvels so surprisingly stylish that in's perfectly okay someone catches a gimpse beige bearing Modem hearing aids feature useful options to su almost every hearing loss and fit into any ifestyle Whether you're looking for a sporty solution that can stand up to the your understanding of conversation in noise, you're sure t fit your preferonces elements or a discreet way to to find hearing aids that Brookport, IL Marion, IL Harrisburg, IL At the foot of the Court St besioe DoWar General Commercial St across from Pondevosa