yung y oing b n 8 Women's INTERNATIONAL MARCH DAY Creating a Credit Union By Jessica Adam The impact ef women in bainetrand wide in amal an hunbe. The r communt They are deanes, onaes, ere Sotyscat ocaen for res and oann. As me son Aniverary of Le Lake Chen Federal Cedt Chen Community Federsi Cde ion was celebrated Union wan a halt bale byempioe and menben. he ongn of the once smal located in the parting ct unen wes dacoed by he peple doet the of Goodno Le very begving inaal ge ty ef he d out ofeler Oratenvie branoh 1 menber leaing Kndepnen dan a eek uhieng t roon and then ngt at be Cedt er he met Union, do you remenberor sngahg beck eeus esde ar lsteing her uges La rsa, andu Ondt Unon ge "Se at hee hood memores of png towo win very loai and commitad to the coma of the Ced brat and mutaoned e. Her nior to her community hera the vsionary and founder of Luke Chem, Laune Runion. We would have ge seos to the ponttm sent tor benond her wok at the Credt Union. Her leve idea De begening stat Young Luene many totable thing n her e,a a to tout of the hone or en he ad andweed fr helping omen was en ty gatere she found moe ales a devetee Otian. ness in Reidane at eand she woe atn net ter deetion o me Chuch, Gepe Masion wornio wonan e Dedt Union te npen the doon. She wouid noe Cantar for many an uhe dedcted her e and BF Goodrch began chemcal manuttuing in the mid dent emplos hat worked at the pla he enegy u volunteing t laurdes Honpital and to Gonpe 19so among Calert Ces ndustria pa povdng plant manager wan one ofen and hey we carpoor Maen. Pet ef her love tor he Chuh and the Lant undeds of s nd copetuntes Westen ke er tee, butthey re. stwat s oin her tme ste e Sa de ane tne in Paan Doan esa Colegrofoton m won Sad Laeselee dag proganer church grovded so he conunty She Paducah wn ofenng education in finanoe, and Laune ten taing about her mothers work etic ovedto ta prden, and mate nlaboute denserts, but Young wan one of esudets enrolled. Lann tuenoes beo gngi ancal eouy t amof wonen acng te trancial ndusty and tom Le Se was sa en tempeed and nener ed but nothing maty fomal. So o see something ton ot at pod indes that wored with me Larene chided e "Mon,wintatatu and she sad. "We yan pate des to becoming something sher pecole La ng of he So avenary af e Cedit Ks. t cant etieeementer wae o be inoed i is Deon Union ever king ondt tor any accomplahnes loing her coel sait ter dghor a nenteing he har wom mlions of dolan. atamaong Ho de henet you buld tha How da ou have tha idna that starne Aa the Cedt Union steadly pe, tom a tubited a be mooted win in the fancl indatry an a wonan anal and ee out hoe to detand make thapoer brehant noar bulding n tegnen Set in Calet eading n al vomen am nd ter detematon and ng ato Te oounstanon tat ieat so Laene tanding Counts Lene's pence and infunce in the diyction "She taugt us at hom ay ong g on hon Dotan uinea Colleg and her haing the foroe ofhe Cedt Unon sever wveed. She ted ton the of pennenon that atbuted o her suesess stated peston of CEO 2006. tut her won wt pet done etected me on how Lane hepe ion ter fiane hon he de she ws lom er moter suenga se hen taene was bom et o her ng whes taee jast 4 tan id ther lther in hecof ter Aunt and no who redLe uert Ber ded en hews 12. Staping ed woand n toach, La Unce et ter e auta cupie tat ied net door tmat Laues chiden wod one day cat and consder ther gandparenta. That couple wt be he peple to send Laurenethe drection of Donan and enco hen ter ecnon IR, Lahen husband woed a Ge odrich and brought the iona home to Laue tat many of be men wone intorested in the des of he emply impactui wan her mom ed her lane aa foroe C ng t cein e branches in Marstal nopendene asa qiny pe tagher dages a money and how to san noney for etirement seager al ins hie te laer e of her ment incuded ve ingw her chiden and nen png to tupe wt her gandchioren, Lurene's enadnd ane oae 201. Les ofciaty dagosed w Aheime dae. Le al penole whethou dementia dagrosi, thee e dan tat ae betar tan othen, but Lauene's stong wi deteminaton, and see of unor s sho eaesame wona ho dared to e on eancinduy and ee tathe idea st heping athens in 1971. oda. Lake Chem tan 3 locaton in Cahet Ci s hang Per oen sans os. On he de ached Caene, ok nonertum and the seed that Draftenvite, and Murny anda atd serve aneno ves, wons wos pes setot in Manshal or Caloway County, with an aet so over would soon become the Crdit Unon w plated While 190 miion. They ofer a tul ange of nancial sences om he ongnal sang acou ey began w wferng ted ane aable monpps. o ume bans, edt cards and unsecued loand Lavene woked to gte Cmdt Oion chatd and eame oer and eper eta aal sten the tt unotoalmpi terpng eneiopes at the hen table. daugtar inso on her dan of comng hane ton school and spend She contired te serve the Credt Uen and mem coed under the leadentio st an aonan team. ing er temoons sung hdeds of sttementsE bes an e Lae hen Boat of Dveters er ater adveney twingme same tos he e ken tute belore Ceaoiors petons s an betre aticaly wtng ton e tnancial indus oman who ongraty tounded the Cedt non oer 0 abie to be moved iot buiding e se many big utwok wteeryting to Laune, she anty of nventment accounta. Lae Chem ia cunenty LAKE CHEM COMMUNITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 3 convenIenT LOCATIONS DRAFFENVILLE BRANCH 35 US Hwy 68 East Benton, KY 42025 CALVERT CITY BRANCH MURRAY BRANCH 1005 Octane Dr. Murray, KY 42071 270.761.5228 4822 US Hwy 62 Calvert City, KY 42029 270.5274389 270.205.4214 PAID BY ADVERTISER yung y oing b n 8 Women's INTERNATIONAL MARCH DAY Creating a Credit Union By Jessica Adam The impact ef women in bainetrand wide in amal an hunbe. The r communt They are deanes, onaes, ere Sotyscat ocaen for res and oann. As me son Aniverary of Le Lake Chen Federal Cedt Chen Community Federsi Cde ion was celebrated Union wan a halt bale byempioe and menben. he ongn of the once smal located in the parting ct unen wes dacoed by he peple doet the of Goodno Le very begving inaal ge ty ef he d out ofeler Oratenvie branoh 1 menber leaing Kndepnen dan a eek uhieng t roon and then ngt at be Cedt er he met Union, do you remenberor sngahg beck eeus esde ar lsteing her uges La rsa, andu Ondt Unon ge "Se at hee hood memores of png towo win very loai and commitad to the coma of the Ced brat and mutaoned e. Her nior to her community hera the vsionary and founder of Luke Chem, Laune Runion. We would have ge seos to the ponttm sent tor benond her wok at the Credt Union. Her leve idea De begening stat Young Luene many totable thing n her e,a a to tout of the hone or en he ad andweed fr helping omen was en ty gatere she found moe ales a devetee Otian. ness in Reidane at eand she woe atn net ter deetion o me Chuch, Gepe Masion wornio wonan e Dedt Union te npen the doon. She wouid noe Cantar for many an uhe dedcted her e and BF Goodrch began chemcal manuttuing in the mid dent emplos hat worked at the pla he enegy u volunteing t laurdes Honpital and to Gonpe 19so among Calert Ces ndustria pa povdng plant manager wan one ofen and hey we carpoor Maen. Pet ef her love tor he Chuh and the Lant undeds of s nd copetuntes Westen ke er tee, butthey re. stwat s oin her tme ste e Sa de ane tne in Paan Doan esa Colegrofoton m won Sad Laeselee dag proganer church grovded so he conunty She Paducah wn ofenng education in finanoe, and Laune ten taing about her mothers work etic ovedto ta prden, and mate nlaboute denserts, but Young wan one of esudets enrolled. Lann tuenoes beo gngi ancal eouy t amof wonen acng te trancial ndusty and tom Le Se was sa en tempeed and nener ed but nothing maty fomal. So o see something ton ot at pod indes that wored with me Larene chided e "Mon,wintatatu and she sad. "We yan pate des to becoming something sher pecole La ng of he So avenary af e Cedit Ks. t cant etieeementer wae o be inoed i is Deon Union ever king ondt tor any accomplahnes loing her coel sait ter dghor a nenteing he har wom mlions of dolan. atamaong Ho de henet you buld tha How da ou have tha idna that starne Aa the Cedt Union steadly pe, tom a tubited a be mooted win in the fancl indatry an a wonan anal and ee out hoe to detand make thapoer brehant noar bulding n tegnen Set in Calet eading n al vomen am nd ter detematon and ng ato Te oounstanon tat ieat so Laene tanding Counts Lene's pence and infunce in the diyction "She taugt us at hom ay ong g on hon Dotan uinea Colleg and her haing the foroe ofhe Cedt Unon sever wveed. She ted ton the of pennenon that atbuted o her suesess stated peston of CEO 2006. tut her won wt pet done etected me on how Lane hepe ion ter fiane hon he de she ws lom er moter suenga se hen taene was bom et o her ng whes taee jast 4 tan id ther lther in hecof ter Aunt and no who redLe uert Ber ded en hews 12. Staping ed woand n toach, La Unce et ter e auta cupie tat ied net door tmat Laues chiden wod one day cat and consder ther gandparenta. That couple wt be he peple to send Laurenethe drection of Donan and enco hen ter ecnon IR, Lahen husband woed a Ge odrich and brought the iona home to Laue tat many of be men wone intorested in the des of he emply impactui wan her mom ed her lane aa foroe C ng t cein e branches in Marstal nopendene asa qiny pe tagher dages a money and how to san noney for etirement seager al ins hie te laer e of her ment incuded ve ingw her chiden and nen png to tupe wt her gandchioren, Lurene's enadnd ane oae 201. Les ofciaty dagosed w Aheime dae. Le al penole whethou dementia dagrosi, thee e dan tat ae betar tan othen, but Lauene's stong wi deteminaton, and see of unor s sho eaesame wona ho dared to e on eancinduy and ee tathe idea st heping athens in 1971. oda. Lake Chem tan 3 locaton in Cahet Ci s hang Per oen sans os. On he de ached Caene, ok nonertum and the seed that Draftenvite, and Murny anda atd serve aneno ves, wons wos pes setot in Manshal or Caloway County, with an aet so over would soon become the Crdit Unon w plated While 190 miion. They ofer a tul ange of nancial sences om he ongnal sang acou ey began w wferng ted ane aable monpps. o ume bans, edt cards and unsecued loand Lavene woked to gte Cmdt Oion chatd and eame oer and eper eta aal sten the tt unotoalmpi terpng eneiopes at the hen table. daugtar inso on her dan of comng hane ton school and spend She contired te serve the Credt Uen and mem coed under the leadentio st an aonan team. ing er temoons sung hdeds of sttementsE bes an e Lae hen Boat of Dveters er ater adveney twingme same tos he e ken tute belore Ceaoiors petons s an betre aticaly wtng ton e tnancial indus oman who ongraty tounded the Cedt non oer 0 abie to be moved iot buiding e se many big utwok wteeryting to Laune, she anty of nventment accounta. Lae Chem ia cunenty LAKE CHEM COMMUNITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 3 convenIenT LOCATIONS DRAFFENVILLE BRANCH 35 US Hwy 68 East Benton, KY 42025 CALVERT CITY BRANCH MURRAY BRANCH 1005 Octane Dr. Murray, KY 42071 270.761.5228 4822 US Hwy 62 Calvert City, KY 42029 270.5274389 270.205.4214 PAID BY ADVERTISER